0183: Midweek Debrief – Chesterton on Fairytales

Podcast Link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/donavon-riley/episodes/0183-Midweek-Debrief—Chesterton-on-Fairytales-e2f7ve2

This is the profound morality of fairy-tales; which, so far from being lawless, go to the root of all law. Instead of finding (like common books of ethics) a rationalistic basis for each Commandment, they find the great mystical basis for all Commandments. We are in this fairyland on sufferance; it is not for us to quarrel with the conditions under which we enjoy this wild vision of the world. The vetoes are indeed extraordinary, but then so are the concessions.  – G.K. Chesterton, Fairy Tales

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