0164: Midweek Debrief – Do Not Regret What You Have Done

Podcast Link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/donavon-riley/episodes/0164-Midweek-Debrief—Do-Not-Regret-What-You-Have-Done-e27djn8

It’s natural to have regrets, but this does not mean that you should live in a state of regret.

Many people say that you shouldn’t regret anything, but I think what they mean is that they don’t regret how things have turned out even if they had to go through some difficulty and hardship to get there. So we do not regret the outcomes.

We do not regret what we have done. This is only possible if you live intentionally and accept that mistakes happen. Learning occurs through those mistakes. Learning is how improvement happens. And how could we ever regret improving our lives. – Miyamoto Musashi, Dokkōdō

Dokkōdō Link: https://edlatimore.com/dokkodo/

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